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Android Applications

We develop android applications both for local and internet access. Our android applications are targeted for the vast majority of the public except for some applications dedicated to certain specific tasks with the corresponding public as users. You can download our applications either from our site or from Google Play (TM). If you are thinking of developing an Android Project for your business please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to take on this project for you. Our Android Applications are the following:


Verbi Italiani
Verbi Italiani. This is a useful app to the italian language learner. It conjugates italian verbs using the www.italian-verbs.com web site. View more...

Password safe
Password Safe. This is a very powerful application for keeping your passwords reachable at any time only by you as it encrypts the passwords making it possible to be accessible only by the key owner (you). View more...

School University schedule
School/University Program. This is a useful app to the students of all grades. With this app you will be able to set the hours of the program for any given day, copy the hours of the program from one day to another and set the class that you participate in each hour. View more...

Parking reminder
Parking Reminder.
Parking Reminder. Have you ever forgotten where you parked your car? If it has happened to you also then this app might be useful to you. You can set your parking position, recall your last set position and view your last ten set positions. View more...

DHQI Athens Guide
DHQI Athens Guide. DHQI Athens Guide is the latest addition to our list of innovative apps. With this application you can plan your vacation to Athens, Greece and tour when you come here just like if you had a real human guiide. The application will group automatically (and then if you want manually) your selected places to visit using artificial intelligence and calculate the shortest path to travel every day in order to visit all the places you have planed in this day. View more...